Patient Testimonials

I am a Samoan and acupuncture is unheard of in our culture. It truly was such a foreign concept to me. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer and had undergone major surgery in April to remove a tumor that had been developing for years within my digestive system. After surgery I started chemotherapy treatments. A good friend suggested that acupuncture can help me deal with chemotherapy. I was really hesitant and scared at first– the only thing I knew about acupuncture was that they stick needles into your body and it looked….well...…weird! I did some research and really started looking into it as a possibility to help me get better. I am so happy I did!!! I have been seeing Samantha Preis of Windward Acupuncture, for regular acupuncture treatments since June 2013. I look forward to my acupuncture sessions because I know I am always in good hands and I come out feeling totally relaxed, revived and renewed. As a new patient, Samantha listened to my concerns, explained the procedures clearly, calmed my fear of this mysterious and unknown (to me) art/method of healing, and took into account all the medical issues and health problems I was facing. I had started chemotherapy a month prior to that and along with all the wonderful negative side effects of chemo (nausea, fatigue, neuropathy, lack of appetite etc) I suffered from insomnia, anemia, constant diarrhea, back and stomach pain, and constant numbness in my arms, legs, fingers and toes. I had to see my oncologist on a weekly basis because my blood level and weight kept dropping. I used to carry around two full gallon-sized zip-lock bags full of medication from my various doctors. After five treatment sessions with Sam and taking the natural herbs she would prescribe me, my appetite came back, my energy and weight started to pick up, and most of the negative side effects I experienced before from chemo started going away. I no longer carry two bags of medicine with me J and although my journey to optimum health is a long one, I am confident to say that I am well on my way there!!! I truly believe that Sam has the gift to heal people. She genuinely cares about one’s health and takes a holistic approach in treating the problem at hand. My health improvement over the past couple of months is testament of her unfailing services as ‘another’ health-care provider and also of her caring nature as a human being. She would go out of her way to send me information about natural remedies, and suggest certain foods, alternative methods and herbal medicine to treat whatever pain or health issue I am going through at that point in time. I would not have been able to cope with my cancer these past couple of months without her and for that I am truly grateful.
LorMona M. Kaneohe, HI
I’m retired and I love bowling and walking. I’ve always been in pretty good health but recently I developed a pain in my left leg. The pain got worse and worse. It was at the intensity of 7/10. The doctor said it was degeneration in my spine causing sciatica. I went to physical therapy A LOT and it only helped a little. I didn’t want surgery so I decided to try acupuncture. At my first visit I walked out of Windward Acupuncture with no pain. I could not believe it! Samantha explained that this was a good sign that I would improve and that I should tell her how long my relief lasted to determine how to schedule the treatments. At first relief only lasted until the night. Then it lasted to the next morning and the intensity of my pain decreased. I could feel the progress. I went twice a week for the first two weeks then once a week and now I come in monthly to keep my pain level from 0-2/10. I am so glad I did acupuncture instead of surgery!!
Augusto D.

I’m a carpenter and my crew depends on me to be able to pull my weight. When I lifted something the wrong way I felt a twinge in my back that turned into sciatica by the next day. I took pain killers and muscle relaxers in order to work. After 2 weeks of little improvement I decided to try acupuncture. I was blown away. The pain was gone after the first treatment. It came back the next day but every time I got acupuncture it went away and stayed away longer and longer. I only went four or five times. I will definitely see her if I ever tweak my back again.
Noah Y.
I first came to see Samantha for my lower back pain which she knocked out in the first session. I was sold that there was something special about this medicine so I decided to continue coming for my fertility problems. Samantha gave me hope that my husband and I could possibly conceive. I am charting my cycles and so far have seen steady improvement in my temperatures and menstrual cycle.
Heather B.